Tooth Gems - Permanent Makeup Atlanta | Medical Esthetics Service | Beauty Ninjas
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Step into the world of tooth gems – a sparkling avenue for self-expression that adds a unique touch to your smile! Similar to tattoos, piercings, or vibrant hair colors, tooth gems are a fashionable means to personalize your appearance. In an era where standing out can be challenging, tooth gems provide a fresh and captivating way to embrace individuality. Imagine tiny, dazzling gems attached to your teeth with a robust dental adhesive, creating a distinctive and eye-catching statement. As the Y2K revival takes center stage in the fashion world, tooth gems are making a striking comeback. The beauty of this trend lies in its non-permanence – an experimental journey that allows you to express yourself without a long-term commitment. Dive into the trend and explore the world of tooth gems, where making a statement has never been more stylish or temporary!

Are Tooth Gems Safe?

To answer the biggest question anyone considering this trend has right now – yes, tooth gems are safe if you don’t have any dental issues.

How to Prepare for a Dental Jewelry Appointment

If you’re ready and set to go get your dental jewelry done, there are a few more things to keep in mind before your appointment. The first thing is that you should consult with your dentist beforehand. Go to a checkup, ask all your questions, and make sure you have a professional’s green light.

Other than that, you have to make sure your teeth are clean when you go in.

On the day of the appointment itself, eat a big breakfast. After you get your gem, you won’t be able to eat anything for a few hours, so it’s better to go in with a full stomach than to spend the rest of your day starving.

Finally, we suggest you bring some lip balm and water with you. This one will dry out your lips and mouth, so go prepared.

Tooth Gem After Care

When it comes to tooth gem aftercare, there’s not a lot for you to worry about – most of the rules apply to the first few hours following the appointment. After that, it’s all about making sure you don’t accidentally tear it off with food or a toothbrush.

Here’s what you should keep in mind:

Are Tooth Gems Permanent?

As we already briefly mentioned above, no, tooth gems aren’t permanent.

On one side, this is good because you don’t have to commit to the look if you’re just participating in the trend for the time being. But, if you’re absolutely in love with the concept and want to rock it forever, you’re going to have to get it redone every once in a while.

How Long Do Tooth Gems Last?

On average, the lifespan of a tooth gem is around 6 months. However, if you’re very careful with it and follow all the aftercare instructions, the limit can be pushed to up to 12 months.





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