Freckle Tattooing - Permanent Makeup Atlanta | Medical Esthetics Service | Beauty Ninjas
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freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
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freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta
freckels tatto Atlanta


Tattooed freckles have gained popularity as a cosmetic procedure in recent years, reflecting a shift in beauty standards towards embracing natural and unique features. While freckles were once considered imperfections, they are now seen as desirable and a symbol of natural beauty. As a result, some individuals choose to have freckles tattooed to enhance or recreate the appearance of natural freckles.

The process involves using a specialized tattooing technique to apply pigments in a way that mimics the appearance of freckles on the skin. This cosmetic tattooing trend allows individuals to achieve a sun-kissed and freckled look without relying on makeup products.

It’s important to note that, like other forms of cosmetic tattooing, tattooed freckles are a semi-permanent solution. Over time, the pigments may fade, and clients may choose to undergo touch-up sessions to maintain the desired look. As with any cosmetic procedure, individuals considering tattooed freckles should thoroughly research the process, choose a skilled and experienced tattoo artist, and carefully follow aftercare instructions.

What Are Tattoo Freckles?

Freckle tattoos, a relatively recent addition to the realm of PMU treatments, involve cosmetic tattooing to replicate the appearance of natural freckles on the face. This form of tattooing can be applied to various facial areas, including the nose, cheeks, temples, chin, or anywhere on the face.

While many clients opt for round-shaped freckles for a natural look, there is room for customization. Some individuals may choose specific shapes such as stars or hearts. Others go for freckle patterns that represent their astrological constellations, adding a unique and personalized touch.

The process of creating faux freckles involves depositing pigments several shades darker than the client’s skin tone into their skin. This results in tiny dots that closely resemble natural freckles. Unlike traditional makeup, the color penetrates the skin, making these tattooed freckles resistant to washing off or smudging. The longevity of these freckle tattoos can last up to 3 years, offering clients a semi-permanent solution to achieve a coveted freckled appearance.

Are Freckle Tattoos the Same as Regular Tattoos?

Contrary to traditional body art tattoos, modern-day freckle tattoos are not designed to be permanent. Instead, they fall under the realm of cosmetic tattooing. This specialized form of tattooing uses pigments, not inks, to create semi-permanent results that last a few years and gradually fade over time.

The choice of pigments over inks is significant, as pigments can be metabolized by the body, allowing the tattooed freckles to naturally fade away. This fading characteristic makes cosmetic tattooing, including freckle tattoos, particularly suitable for facial applications. It offers individuals the flexibility to change or remove the tattooed freckles if they decide to alter their appearance, providing a more temporary and adaptable solution.

How Are Freckle Tattoos Done?

Freckle tattoos involve the delicate process of creating tiny, natural-looking dots on the skin using either a PMU (Permanent Makeup) machine or a hand-held needle. These dots are strategically placed to mimic the appearance of natural freckles. It’s crucial to achieve an organic and asymmetrical look to enhance the natural appearance of freckles.

The pigments used in freckle tattoos are deposited close to the skin’s surface, contributing to a more authentic and natural appearance when executed with precision.

Typically, the freckle tattoo procedure consists of two sessions. The first session focuses on creating the initial freckle pattern. As the skin heals, a portion of the pigment is naturally extracted, causing the freckles to lighten by approximately 30-40%. The second session, which occurs 6-8 weeks later, is essential for a touch-up. During this touch-up, additional pigment is added to darken the freckles, ensuring longer-lasting and more defined results. This meticulous process contributes to the artful recreation of natural freckles on the skin.

It’s also good to note that it’s always better to go lighter on the first session and darken up the freckles at the touch-up when the artist can assess how well your skin retains pigments than to go too dark and regret it.

Freckle Tattoo Process Step by Step

The freckle tattoo process is a multi-step treatment designed to create natural-looking freckles on the skin. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the procedure:

Step 1 – Consultation: During the initial consultation, you discuss your preferences with the artist, specifying the desired look, placement, and size of the tattooed freckles. The artist assesses your skin tone and suggests the most suitable shade for a natural appearance.

Step 2 – Cleaning and Pre-Drawing: Your face is thoroughly cleansed to remove any makeup, skincare products, or sebum, minimizing the risk of contamination. The artist then pre-draws trial freckle marks on your face, allowing you to decide on placement, shape, and size.

Step 3 – Numbing: A topical anesthetic is applied to the treatment area, requiring approximately 15-20 minutes to take effect. This ensures a more comfortable experience during the needling process. Some artists may choose to numb before pre-drawing, depending on their preference.

Step 4 – Pigment Implementation: The artist employs an electric PMU device or a manual tool with a needle to create small, dot-like incisions on the skin. These incisions are filled with pigment, collectively forming the appearance of freckles. The artist may perform multiple passes over the same spot to achieve the desired saturation. The duration of this step varies based on the number of freckles requested, typically taking 20-45 minutes.

Step 5 – Cleaning: After the pigmentation process, your face is cleaned to remove any residual pigment. The artist provides aftercare instructions and may recommend an aftercare ointment.

Step 6 – Touch-Up: The skin requires 6-8 weeks to fully heal from the initial session. During this period, the pigments settle, causing the freckles to lighten by 30-40% compared to their initial shade. A touch-up session is scheduled at this point to enhance the pigmentation and ensure the longevity of the freckle tattoo.

How Long Does the Treatment Last?

The treatment can take up to an hour, depending on how many tattooed freckles you want.

Does It Hurt?

Not really, although it isn’t exactly comfortable either.

The numbing cream will eliminate the pain, but you will still feel pressure, something akin to pinching or stinging, and tattooing over your nose may trigger the urge to sneeze. If you feel pain at any moment, ask the artist if they can add more numbing. If you feel the need to sneeze, warn them in time so that they can move the needle away from your face.

Bear in mind that the skin in different parts of the face varies in sensitivity, so some parts might be more uncomfortable than others.

How Do I Prepare for Freckle Tattoos?

Preparation for freckle tattoo treatment is crucial for optimal results and a smooth healing process. Here are the key steps to take before your appointment:

Choose a Skilled Artist: Select an experienced and reputable artist whose work aligns with your preferences. Thoroughly review their portfolio and ensure they have expertise in freckle tattooing.

Sun Protection: Avoid sunbathing or tanning for at least two weeks before the treatment. Tanned skin is more sensitive and prone to complications during the procedure.

Discontinue Retinol and Vitamin A Products: Cease the use of retinol or Vitamin A products at least one month before the appointment. These products can thin the skin, making it more susceptible to bleeding.

Limit Certain Substances: Refrain from consuming alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, aspirin, and fish oil supplements for at least 24 hours before the session. These substances can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure.

Facial Procedures: Avoid undergoing any facials or skin treatments at least two weeks before the freckle tattoo appointment. This ensures that the skin is not sensitized or compromised.

Consultation with Doctor: If you are taking blood-thinning medication, consult with your general practitioner to determine if it is safe to discontinue use for a few weeks prior to the treatment.

By following these pre-treatment guidelines, you can help create an optimal environment for the freckle tattooing process and promote a successful outcome.

Do Freckle Tattoos Require Any Aftercare?

Yes, but it’s nothing complicated. It comes down to protecting the area from contamination and avoiding certain activities to prevent premature pigment fading.

Freckle Tattoo Aftercare Instructions

Proper aftercare is essential for the healing and longevity of your freckle tattoos. Here are the key aftercare instructions to follow:

Avoid Touching: Refrain from touching the treated area to prevent potential infections. Resist the urge to scratch, even if the area becomes itchy.

Keep it Dry: Ensure the treated area remains dry for the first 24 hours after the procedure. Avoid exposure to water during this initial period.

Follow Cleaning Instructions: Starting from day 2, clean the treated area according to the specific instructions provided by your artist. Use gentle and recommended cleansing methods.

No Makeup: Avoid applying makeup to the treated area for approximately 10 days. This allows the skin to heal without interference from cosmetic products.

Prevent Soaking: For about 10 days, refrain from activities that can make the area soaking wet. This includes avoiding swimming, saunas, steam baths, and excessive sweating.

Sun Protection: Stay away from direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks following the procedure. Sun exposure can fade pigments and compromise the results.

Gentle Skincare: Avoid harsh skincare ingredients on the treated area during the healing process. Use mild products that won’t irritate the skin.

Follow Prescribed Ointment Application: If your artist recommends it, diligently apply the prescribed aftercare ointment as directed. This helps in the healing process and maintains the vibrancy of the pigments.

Sunlight Protection After Healing: Even after the healing process is complete, continue to avoid direct sunlight exposure to prevent fading of pigments.

By adhering to these aftercare guidelines, you contribute to the optimal healing of your freckle tattoos and promote long-lasting, beautiful results.

Can I Wear Makeup After the Treatment?

Not immediately, no.

The treated area is essentially covered in tiny wounds, and applying makeup to them can cause irritation and infection. You need to wait about 10 days before you can wear makeup again.

In terms of eyes or lips, you can wear makeup during this time if you must, but be very careful when removing it – no products or makeup residues should come into contact with the treated area.

When Should I Get the First Touch-Up?

The first touch-up appointment is booked 6-8 weeks after the initial session, once the skin has had time to heal completely. It’s mandatory, as it serves to replenish pigments after the healing process and ensure the longest retention possible.

What About Maintenance Touch Ups?

As freckle tattoos fade over time, you have to get them refreshed every once in a while if you want to keep them. Most clients need a touch-up annually, but it all depends on how fast your tattooed freckles are fading. Essentially, you can get touch-ups as often or as rarely as you want.

How Long Do Freckle Tattoos Last?

The longevity of tattooed freckles, lasting up to 3 years, is influenced by various factors, and certain habits can accelerate their fading. These factors include:

Sunlight Exposure: Frequent exposure to sunlight can lead to the faster fading of tattooed freckles. Sunscreen and sun protection are crucial to preserving the vibrancy of the pigments.

Swimming: Regular swimming in chlorinated or salt water can contribute to the fading of tattooed freckles. It’s advisable to protect the treated area during water activities.

Skincare Ingredients: The use of aggressive skincare ingredients may impact the longevity of tattooed freckles. Avoiding harsh products helps maintain the integrity of the pigments.

Chemical and Mechanical Peels: Undergoing chemical or mechanical peels on the treated area can accelerate the fading process. It’s important to communicate any skincare procedures with your artist.

Smoking: Excessive smoking has been associated with faster fading of tattooed pigments. Limiting or avoiding smoking can contribute to better results.

Alcohol Consumption: Frequent alcohol consumption may affect the longevity of tattooed freckles. Moderation in alcohol intake can be beneficial for maintaining the pigments.

It’s essential to consider these factors and make lifestyle choices that support the preservation of your tattooed freckles for an extended period.


  • Deposits: Deposits are non-refundable.
  • Pricing: All services are subject to applicable sales taxes.
  • Second Session: Your second session must be scheduled within 4-6 Weeks and starts from $150. Subsequently, annual refreshers are necessary, starting from $450. To book future appointments, kindly contact your artist directly.
  • Refreshers: We recommend refreshers every 1-2 years to maintain the color, and detail of your Freckle Tattoos. Please contact your artist directly to arrange future appointments.
  • Exceeding 2 Years: If more than 2 years have passed since your last appointment, a new service will be required at the full price.
  • Freckle Tatoos Rescheduling: For Freckle Tatoos, we require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if you need to reschedule your appointment. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of your deposit.
  • Minimum Age: Our minimum age requirement for Microblading is 18 years old.
  • Price Changes: Please be aware that pricing is subject to change at any time.
  • No Pets or Children: To ensure safety and maintain a sterile environment, we kindly request that you do not bring pets or children with you on the day of your service.

limited Time OFFER

Get Freckle Tattoos

$400 $200


  • Deposits: Deposits are non-refundable.
  • Pricing: All services are subject to applicable sales taxes.
  • Second Session: Your second session must be scheduled within 4-6 Weeks and starts from $150.
  • Refreshers: We recommend refreshers every 1-2 years to maintain the color, and detail of your freckle tattoos. Please contact your artist directly to arrange future appointments.
  • Exceeding 2 Years: If more than 2 years have passed since your last appointment, a new service will be required at the full price.
  • Freckle Tattoos Rescheduling: For Freckle Tattoos, we require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice if you need to reschedule your appointment. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of your deposit.
  • Minimum Age: Our minimum age requirement for Freckle Tattoos is 18 years old.
  • Price Changes: Please be aware that pricing is subject to change at any time.
  • No Pets or Children: To ensure safety and maintain a sterile environment, we kindly request that you do not bring pets or children with you on the day of your service.





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