Introduction: As winter approaches, the changing season brings about various transformations. Leaves gracefully fall from the trees, homes become adorned with holiday cheer, and for many, the onset of drier skin occurs. Winter often ushers in dry skin, a common occurrence as the air’s humidity decreases, causing the skin’s moisture to evaporate more rapidly. This can lead to a parched, tight, or flaky complexion. To combat dry skin during the colder months, our estheticians, from Beauty Ninjas, offer valuable tips to keep your skin hydrated and healthy.

Bathing Less Frequently: One of the simplest ways to ward off dry skin during the chilly season is to reduce the frequency of your baths. Many individuals habitually shower once or even twice a day, vigorously scrubbing their skin with washcloths or luffas. However, this approach may not be the most effective means to combat dry skin.

A Brief Historical Context: To appreciate the impact of bathing frequency on skin health, it’s worth delving into history. Prior to the 1840s, indoor plumbing was a luxury accessible mainly to the affluent. Indoor showers only became commonplace in households between the 1930s and 1950s. A Boy Scout manual from the 1950s recommended that boys bathe ideally twice a week and shampoo their hair once a week. The regularity with which we now shower and the quantities of soap we use are unprecedented. Washcloths are remnants from a time when basin washing was standard, and they are no longer a necessity for showering.

How Does This Relate to Dry Skin? The connection between bathing and dry skin is straightforward. Water rinses away the skin’s natural oils. The more prolonged the contact between water and skin, the drier the skin becomes. Excessively hot water exacerbates dryness, as do many soaps and cleansers.

Common Causes of Dry Skin: Examining the typical causes of dry skin reveals that some are easily avoidable, such as bathing too frequently, excessive use of non-moisturizing soaps, and abrasive scrubbing with washcloths or luffas. However, other causes are more challenging to address, including “winter itch” due to indoor heat and low humidity, genetic predispositions, age-related reduction in oil production, and stress-induced hormonal imbalances.

Replenishing Moisture: Individuals with dry, itchy skin can witness rapid improvements by using soap or cleanser solely for underarms, the groin, and feet during most showers. The brand of cleanser is of minor significance. Rinsing the body and limiting soaping to these specific areas will suffice. Importantly, reducing shower frequency translates to less skin dryness.

Subsequently, post-shower, apply a cream-based moisturizer to replenish lost moisture. Those with dry or itchy skin should avoid lotions with high water content, as they can further dry out the skin. Instead, opt for products labeled as “cream” or “ointment” that come in tubs or jars, as they are better suited to retaining skin moisture. Disregard the term “moisturizing lotion,” as it is often marketing jargon to appeal to a broader audience.

Top 5 Tips to Prevent Dry Skin:

  1. Minimize the skin-drying effects of baths and showers.
  2. Apply moisturizer immediately after washing.
  3. Opt for gentle, unscented skincare products and laundry detergents.
  4. Protect your hands with gloves.
  5. Introduce moisture to the air.

Winter Skin Care with Beauty Ninjas: If you’ve tried these tips and are still grappling with persistently dry skin, the estheticians at Beauty Ninjas are ready to assist. We offer personalized treatments to help you achieve your skincare goals. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.